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a male patient sitting on a chair clasping his hands and a female clinician holding a pen with a checklist on a clipboard

SAMHSA Releases Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 2022


Characteristics of Admissions to Substance Use Treatment Services in 2022

  • The top two age categories were 21-34 years old (37.1%) and 35-44 years old (28.3%).
  • 4% were male and 34.6% were female. Among discharges, 64.7% were male and 35.3% were female.
  • The top two race groups were White (65.0%) and Black or African American (20.0%). 15.2% were of Hispanic or Latino origin and 84.8% Not of Hispanic or Latino origin. The two highest rates per 100,000 population by race were 1,766 for American Indian or Alaska Native and 1,538 for Other race.
  • The top two primary substances used were alcohol (35.5%) and heroin (16.9%).


National Outcome Measures (NOMs) and Morbidity Status

  • Among admissions, the top two living arrangements were independent living (65.7%) and experiencing homelessness (17.7%). Among discharges, 66.9% were in independent living and 19.1% dependent living.
  • Among admissions, 22.5% were abstinent and 59.9% reported substance use. Among discharges, 29.1% were abstinent and 48.8% reported substance use.

A photo of the cover of the SAMSHA report titled Treatment Episode Date Set (TEDS) 2022: Admissions to and Discharges from Substance Use Treatment Services Reported by Single State Agencies. The cover has a collage of images including people holding hands in a supportive way; a person's hand on a man's shoulder; two men sitting in chairs in a support group; and a woman's hand pointing at a graph on a report page on a table. TEDS is an exceptionally large and powerful data set that covers a significant proportion of all admissions to substance use treatment. It provides episode-level data on clients aged 12 and older receiving substance use treatment services from facilities that are licensed or certified by their respective Single State Agencies (SSAs). TEDS collects data on client’s characteristics, substance(s) used, the type and duration of treatment service(s) received, years of education completed, and National Outcome Measures (NOMs). The NOMs presented in the report include stability in housing, employment status, criminal justice involvement, social support, retention in treatment, and abstinence. Data on past month abstinence verse the use of alcohol or drugs are presented in a separate section called morbidity status. 

Read the full report here.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) 2022: Admissions to and Discharges from Substance Use Treatment Services Reported by Single State Agencies. Publication No. PEP 24-07-023 MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2024.

If you or someone you know is struggling, SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

Navis Clinical Laboratories offers toxicology drug testing and mental health drug testing solutions to help combat the growing substance use and mental health crisis in the United States. Contact us to learn more about our solutions.

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